The Evolving Forest - Critter Battler UI Design and Concept Art

The Evolving Forest - Critter Battler UI Design and Concept Art

The last piece of UI work I did for The Evolving Forest was the initial design for a whole sub-game called 'The Critter Battler.' Basically, it's like an NFT-based Pokémon-style battler. Players use the Critters they get from taking care of their plants in The Evolving Forest to battle against other players' Critters and earn rewards. These rewards come in handy for looking after your plants in the main game.

I created the basic layouts for the menus while figuring out a new UI style that could blend the Battler vibe with the rest of the UI. This was also my chance to freshen up the visual style for the main game's UI, especially now that the additional guilds were designed, and the overall visual direction was becoming clearer.

The original UI I designed could use some fine-tuning for a more cohesive look, which I've been wanting to do for a while. Right now, the project is on hold due to funding, but with the new UI direction I started with the Critter Battler, there are plans in motion to update the UI for the base game too.

In addition to designing the UI for the Critter Battler, I also worked on some concept art for the effects and animations of the Critter's attacks.